4 Benefits of Gardening for Kids

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Do you have one or more children? And are you wanting to get them out from behind the television, computers or electronic devices that are taking over our lives and get them back outdoors?

lawn and  garden maintenance

Image Credit: https://www.hgtv.com/design/topics/gardening/10-ways-to-garden-with-kids

Not many people think of gardening as a great activity for kids, but there are many benefits that kids can derive from getting outdoors and into the garden, notwithstanding the positive effect of getting them away from the negative consequences of spending too much time in front of electronic devices.

The physical and psychological advantages of creating gardens for kids

As part of a healthy balanced lifestyle, gardening can be a great way to help children learn new skills, stay fit, socialize and develop a new passion.  So even if it is just to help you with lawn and  garden  maintenance in Sydney, or giving them an opportunity to feel empowered and inspired on their own, getting the kids into the garden can be a major benefit for them.

Here are our four favourite benefits of getting kids involved with the gardening;

Promotes creativity

Mainstream psychology recognises the advantages of being creative. Succinctly stated, creativity encourages self-expression which in turn promotes the development of problem-solving skills. It also teaches the child that diverse and unique thought processes are excellent and valuable life skills to develop.

You can give them an opportunity to explore their creative side through gardening by giving them a space of land to be responsible for, allowing them the room to explore different flowers and plants, arrangements and maintenance.   And you’ll love the sense of pride you get watching them create something spectacular.

Reduces stress levels

Planting and looking after a garden play a significant role in reducing stress levels. Therefore, it’s a good idea to encourage each child to plant his/her own garden, even if it is just in large outdoor pots. Also, garden pots are great for creating container gardens, especially when living in an apartment without a yard. In fact, a balcony becomes a great space for a container garden.

We always think of gardening being great for stress relief among older people, but kids can benefit from stress relief in the same way.  We don’t think of kids experiencing stress the same way as adults, but a few hours digging away in the garden can help them stay calm and focused.

Promotes mental and physical health

Our bodies absorb vitamin D from sunlight and vitamin D is essential for our bone growth, helping our bodies absorb calcium. Rickets or soft bones in children or misshapen bones in adults are radical examples of what happens when we do not consume enough vitamin D.

But aside from maintaining good bones, sunlight can also help improve our mood, especially for those of us who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder.  After a long cold dark winter, getting out into the garden during the spring season can do wonders to improve your mood and control and potential effects caused by Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Go one step further and find great planting options year round so your child can extract the benefits of getting outdoors gardening all year long.

Exercise: reduces weight and promotes physical health

Gardening is a form of exercise, and depending on the nature of the work, it can either be a gentle exercise or a little more labour intensive.  Pushing a heaving wheelbarrow, mowing the lawn, and digging flower (or vegetable) beds can provide a serious workout, even for the fittest of us.

As kids are developing, getting regular physical activity is an important component of promoting a healthy and well balance lifestyle.   Not only will it help develop muscles and strength, but it can help with weight control and prevent lifestyle diseases like hypertension and diabetes.

garden maintenance services

Image Credit: https://www.powered-by-mom.com/benefits-to-kids-gardening/

If you’d love to see how Amico’s horticultural experts can help your children and their gardening needs, have a look at our project gallery! You can use them as examples to inspire them forwards in their gardening journey.

If you’d like to hear more about what we can do for you and your child’s dream garden, get in touch with us for our Double Bay’s gardening services advice, or drop us line to see how we can help.

About The Author - AMICO’s Founder – Ami Bauer

In 1994 Ami Bauer left his corporate management career in retail. Not knowing exactly what to do next, he started mowing lawns and gardening, mainly as a fill in job till he figured out his future.

So starting with little more than a motor mower, a utility truck and business name (Ami-co) he set forth into his local suburbs and for the next few years Ami found the business rewarding and it expanded rapidly.

Read More About Ami Bauer

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